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Climate Change

The following links and pics (attached links) are my research into weather and the effect the Sun has on it. This does not rule out man-made causes like CO2 dumping but enhances the overall process of climate change.

I put forth the theory that the Sun, due to it's 11 year cycle, is the cause of cyclic climate change in tune with this 11 year cycle. Man's contribution is an on-going factor of climate change.

Assuming you can think critically, read for yourself the data and conclusions of the scientific community listed in the following links. If you have any opinions on this topic please send comments to the sources rather than me, I'm just the messenger (please don't shoot me :-).

Neil deGrasse Tyson's view on the subject in this video

Dr. John Christy's view on the subject in this video, here and here. The last link is to a local copy in case the original gets cancelled.

The best video on the subject I could find is here.

The Sun's Contribution

Sun Activity Cycle and Weather

Man's Contribution


Interesting stuff hard to find elsewhere.