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New World OrderThe following links tell the centuries old story of how the "Bankers" have a plan to take over the world. The current term for this takeover is the "New World Order". You will see how one of the major reasons for the revolution was over who printed the money in the "colonies", The Bank of England or the colonists themselves.
Look at and save these videos (marked with a ▶ symbol) and web sites before they are gone. The open Internet is their next big target. Be sure to download and look at and print the PDF files that are available on the sites.
What can you do: tell your friends, make donations to the appropriate organizations, start and/or support grassroots campaigns for people like Jessie Ventura (be sure to watch his interviews whenever you can). Do something or you could be one of the millions that will perish when they do the purge.
The End of America (Naomi Wolf)
The Obama Deception
Money as Debt
Jesse Ventura